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SSNS VLE Platform and reports 


Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a web-based platform created using Moodle program and developed for the use of MSc curricula developed for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS) program. The platform allows collaborative interactions between teachers and students to communicate i.e. uploading teaching and learning materials by the teachers, giving assignments, schedule an events, develop, and a personalized e-learning platform such as scoring and giving grades and so on. It also allows to share materials among the teachers of all the university partners. 


A teacher can upload all the teaching materials, he/she will be the administrator or owner of the course. He/she can share with whoever he/she wants creating a virtual classroom. A student can choose to learn upon subject to approval by the teacher. This will help get the information/knowledge in way that is more organized and accessible from anywhere. How to use the platform is described in the Manuals for the Teachers and Student users which are available online.


Please click here to Go to VLE Platform



To see the list of VLE use report, courses, teachers, and students please click the button below:


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