Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS) is a curriculum development project co-funded by EU Erasmus+Programme to address the issue of sustainability of seafood production, supply and consumption through need-based higher education, and vocational training. The project is for 36 months starting from October 2017. It aims to build capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and strengthen linkages among institutions and individuals.
Project activities include inception workshop, identification of needs and gap analysis in existing aquaculture / fisheries curricula and development of new curricula for SSNS program. It also includes accreditation of curricula. Project outcomes and achievements will be disseminated organizing a symposium and made available online.

Curriculum Development
Sustainable Seafood & Nutrition Security (SSNS)

Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union
Latest Activities / News
2021-10-26: EU CBHE Erasmus+ Virtual Fair

Presentation about our project during the Virtual Fair for all the Erasmus+ programmes which focus on Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) during 26-27 October, 2021. We were proud to be selected from among many projects from around the world for this virtual fair for presentation. Thanks to Erasmus+ and EACEA team and the partners for making it very successful one. We look forward to developing new proposal and apply for another to move ahead. Hope to have bigger and wider project in the next phase of Erasmus+ programme funded by EU during 2021-2027. Best regards! The presentation is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPdsyKgUtpc
Invitation to Join an "International Symposium on "Innovative Teaching & Learning in Sustainable Seafood"
The symposium is organized to contribute to the education and training in the field of sustainable seafood and nutrition security (SSNS) as a part of dissemination of lessons learned based on the project, "Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS)". In addition to project partners from Asia an Europe, other universities from Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Pakistan and Nepal have also been invited and confirmed to present and share their experiences. Registration is free, anyone can join via Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 920 074 6468 . & Passcode: 2020

For abstract submission and Inquiries: info@aqua-centre.org
For more information, please click on the following link:
Host: Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Dates: September 13-17, 2021
Abstract submission: September 7, 2021
Registration: FREE
Organizing committee:
Dr Ram C. Bhujel, AIT, Thailand (Convener)
Prof Rachel Norman and Dr Amaya Albalat, University of Stirling, UK
Dr Jorgen Lerfall & Anita Jakobson, NTNU, Norway
Dr Ioannis Karapanagiotidis, University of Thessaly, Greece
Ms Katerina Kostakou and Nefeli Bantela, EuroTraining, Greece
Dr Chanagun Chitmanat, Maejo Univ, Thailand
Dr Somsamorn, Khon Kaen Univ, Thailand
Prof Nguyen T. Phuong, Can Tho Univ, Vietnam
Dr Dang Lua, RIA1, Vietnam
Dr Nam Kha, Nong Lam University, Vietnam
Dr Alim Isnansetyo, University of of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Dr Ruddy Suwandi, IPB, Bogor, Indonesia
Dr Ilham, Jakarta Fisheries Univ, Indonesia
Internship Info Day - Vietnam
Our partner universities in Vietnam; Can Tho University of Can Tho city and Nong Lam University of Ho Chi Minh City are organizing "Internship Info Day" scheduled on 25th August as part of EU project, "Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS). Seven companies including CP Vietnam, Minh Phu and others are giving presentations. Interested persons can register or contact to join.
2021 - August 20

Invitation to Join
Invitation to Join Internship info day (July 30, 2021) An internship info day (Zoom) has been organized by our partner in Indonesia on July 30, 2021 (08:30-14:30 hrs) as a part of the EU project "Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS)". About nine aqua farm owners and managers are presenting about their farms, history, products and services. The main objective of this program is to link higher education with industry. Students and lecturers are cordially invited. Other interested people can also clicking on the following Zoom link and also given in the poster:
Zoom link: ipb.link/internshipinfoday

Invitation to Join
An internship info days (Zoom) has been organized in Thailand on July 28, 2021 (09:45-14:30 hrs). About 10 aqua farm owners and managers from Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen and Central Thailand are presenting about their farms, history, products and services. Students and lecturers are cordially invited. Other Interested people can also join the session.
Zoom link: Internship info
Meeting ID: 860 0319 1306
Passcode: 979148

Lab upgraded
AIT aquaculture lab has now many new equipment purchased with the funding from EU under Erasmus+ program called "Curriculum development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS www.seafood-security.org)" led by AIT. Many of the equipment lost during flood have been now replaced. Pictures shown are of those major equipment and some facilities of the ongoing well-designed experiments by students as part of thesis, and by staff designed for those of research sponsored by European companies namely, Biomin, Delacon, Anpario, etc. Hope to have more such research facility and carry out high quality research which have practical applications as well as commercial values.


Day 5:Finally concluded discussing the output quality, sustainability and impacts. The meeting also highlighted the improvements among the training organized in Thailand (September 2019), Vietnam (November 2019) and Indonesia (June 2020 - online). The project team also discussed about the indicators of success or the results achieved so far, plan for remaining activities and possibility of project extension due to COVID19. Thanks to all who provided their expert opinion and shared their experiences, and also to those who listened and learned patiently. Special thanks are due to organizers or host partners and their teams.

Four hosts has presented Internship activities at their farm/factory or stations. An Eel farm, a company started by the JFU graduate, CJ Feed&Care - a Korean company looking for more collaborations with universities, and a Sea Farming stations are the examples of internship placements for Indonesian partners.
The second part of the training was about virtual learning environment (VLE) which has been compulsion due to COVID19. Project envisioned the scope and the need when the proposal was submitted to EU about 3 years back. This was one of the component, behind receiving a high score for the proposal and categorizing it as top "A" grade, while most others were B and C.

Formerly Jakarta Fisheries University (JFU) presented its post-graduate curricula and other details. One of the most remarkable success was internship program offered to the graduate students linking education with the industry. Number of student enrollment has declined since 2013 to present due mainly to reduction in government scholarships; However, recent trend is that more and more private fee paying students are enrolling. Implementation of internship program sounds to have added value to the academic degree which was one of the objectives of the project. Many other aspects were discussed with a view to improving curricula as well as teaching tools and methods. More to discuss on the next two days. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Prof Panut Mulyono, Rector of University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, welcomed the participants, Dr Djumanto, Dean of the Faculty and Dr Alim Isnansetyo, Head of Department presented the curriculum, training courses, internship programs and project activities at UGM. participants discussed about the courses newly developed and improved from the existing one as a part of project activities, missing gaps, teaching tools and methods used, training programs, field visits, internships, laboratory activities and so on. More importantly, recent graduates and current students were asked about their experiences, feelings or feed back so that problems could be addressed and solutions could be found which was the main purpose of this project. It was felt that the EU Erasmus project was timely to address the situation, and also its making good impacts. Hope for good.
The Teachers' training (Indonesia) Day 1

Teachers' Training Program under the curriculum development for seafood and nutrition security went well. MSc program in Aquatic Product Technology started in 2005, reached peak in 2012-2013, then decreased alarmingly as in many other universities in Asia including Thailand. There is a need to address this problem. The main strategy is to improve in the existing curricula and apply innovative teaching methodologies. Therefore, contribution of SSNS is expected to be significant. During this Webinar on the Day 1 session, their MSc courses, training and internship developed by IPB (Bogor Agriculture University) were discussed. Suggestions and recommendations were made for improvement. More than 50 teachers from European and Asian book part in the session. Hope to see more in the days to come. Day 2 i.e. 23rd June, will be the turn to discuss the courses of University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Thanks to host, IPB.

Postponed twice due to COVID19, the Teachers Training Program under the EU Erasmus+ programme of the EU SSNS project has been scheduled to be organized using Zoom / video conferencing during June 22-26, 2020. We will be having teachers of Indonesian partners universities and their students to actively participate. In addition, there are more speakers / trainers from Europe such as NTNU, Norway, University of Thessaly, Greece, and Univ of Stirling, UK. This training is the third of its kind - the first was in Thailand and the second was in Vietnam

Topics: Innovative tilapia hatchery technology, tilapia strains in Indonesia, and others.
Organized by recently established centre under the EU Erasmus project, namely; Centre for Seafood Security and Sustainability, University of Gasdah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Contact: Dr. Alim Isnansetyo
Email: isnansetyo@ugm.ac.id

Procurement of Equipment under the provision of project Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition
2019-12-12 by NLU-HCM City

Project Presentation
NLU introduce TUNASIA and SSNS projects in The Second ASEAN-Japan Meeting Point of Collaboration by Stakeholders and Researchers for Reducing Environmental Problems in ASEAN Countries- December 11, 2019, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Attention: 11 ASEAN countries with more than 250 participants

Teachers' training programme in Can Tho University is going well. We had good interactions with teachers and good suggestions from the students to improve the current courses, programmes and the teaching methods. Thanks to all!

Teachers' training at Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City. Discussion and practice to improve/develop course outlines of degree courses, training and internship programs, practice of VLE/online course offering.

Interactions with students during teachers training in Vietnam.
Teachers' training programme in Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City started..
Field visit: October 23, 2019 - Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security 07:30 hrs - gather in front of Aqua-Centre
- First visit Seafood market in Talat Thai, then go to Kloong 5 DoF station, Catfish farm, large tilapia ponds (Mr Prasert), and cage culture along the Canal no. 13 return back.
Students are supposed to collect information about the species type, prices, feeding, rate, frequency, cost, FCR, etc. and feed sources / ingredients, fertilizers and economics of feed business.

Teacher's training program for Thailand concluded in Maejo University, Chiang Mai observing teaching, discussing with students, and doing exercise to improve course outline and overall teaching methods. We also had a very fruitful project meeting to discuss about lessons learned which will be used to plan for the similar training programs in Vietnam and Indonesia in November and February respectively. Thanks to all teachers and students of all the partners from Thailand, and also partners from Europe, who worked hard to make this event exciting and fruitful.

Teacher's training in Khon Kaen University on Sept 18th

Teacher's training program as a part of EU Erasmus+ project in Thailand kicks off at AIT. Participants discussed about how to be a good teacher. We taught the students as a regular class, and partners from Europe observed and gave feedback how we performed. Teachers were asked to go out of the room, and European partners asked our students to speak without any fear about our weaknesses and strengths which were discussed and passed to us. This is the way we try to improve our teaching learning. We go to Khon Kaen University tomorrow and Maejo Univ two days later to do the same thing. Hope this will improve teaching and learning tremendously. Thanks to everyone including students who made the program very exciting and successful!

It was the first news shared by our President...
8 August 2017
AIT was informed that two of its proposals for ERASMUS Projects have been selected and would receive EU grants of 1 million Euro each for the next 3 years. AIT is the only university in Asia that has been successful in getting two ERASMUS projects as the Coordinators of both.
Both projects were submitted by AIT as Lead Partner under ERASMUS + Capacity-building in Higher Education (EAC/A03/2016). The two proposals among 149 proposals have been selected out of the global competition pool of 756 proposals to win the grants. Both AIT projects were highly rated and listed in Group I, i.e. very good category.
Project Title: Curriculum development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS)"

VLE platform is ready to use for the lecturers who are participating in the curriculum development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS). It is an online teaching and learning platform where lecturers can upload their course syllabus, outlines, lecture notes and all other materials, and also give assignments, grades, create calendar and share, etc. Students can register and get access to the courses subject to permission by the lecturers offering the courses. It has been created for testing some model courses, later we plan to make available to other lecturers and students too. This has been developed supported by the Erasmus+ Programme co-funded by the European Union. Please share it with others. For registration please check this link:

Congratulations to the 33 lecturers for successfully completing the study tour and project workshop at the University of Stirling, who came from Asia and Europe. Next plan will be for in-country training . Thailand, Vietnam and the Indonesia. I wish them safe journey to home. Thanks to the Stirling team who helped our group whole-heartedly. Look forward to have more collaborations in the future. Cheers!

Mags Crumlish highlighted the need to have ethical consideration of handling live animals for research which has not been given adequate attention in Asia. Similarly, Fiona presented about the need of strict health and safety procedures in laboratories for animal as well as students. Dave Little presented his work/research in various Asian countries about the nutritional value of small-self recruiting species and also mentioned that most parts of fish which are considered inedible in Europe, are the main sources of micronutrients such as head of Macro-brachium, skin and bones of fish which is used to produce fish chips or snacks.

Day 3: Marine Harvest Salmon farm in Loch Leven, Scotland Highland. Marine Harvest is the largest Salmon farm in the world which has production sites in more than 8 countries. A report shows production of over 300,000 mt per year. The site in Loch/Lake Level has 16 cages, with the production capacity of 3,000 ton per cycle of 17th months. Salmon is mostly sold locally. Export is only about 10%.

Welcome by the Deputy Principal of Internationalisation, seminar on Making the most of Masters by Dr Eunice Atkins, and Blue technology Master for Blue career. Our group of lectures had opportunities to observe live teaching, videos of teaching method e.g. sharing histopathology slides and practice in laboratory.

Day1 at Stirling University. Introduction of the universities, interaction with students, and staff including Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Deputy Director of the Institute of Aquaculture, followed by lab visits and reception..

It was wonderful privilege to present about the project (Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security) during a cluster meeting of all the EU projects and their partners in Thailand. Altogether 75 participants, they were mostly lecturers or professors and also representatives from the Education Council. This was organised by EU Delegation office in Bangkok and hosted by Kasetsart University. Hope to see more events like this in the future.
Asian Aquaculture 2018

Glad to present the SSNS project goal, objectives, activities and outcomes during the Asian Aquaculture Conference Dec 3-6, 2018. Nearly 200 participants from around the world participated in the conference held at AIT.
Lab Visit at NTNU

Lab visit at NTNU - chemistry, microbiology and also dairy labs.
Study Tour NTNU

Final day: learning more about internship program, eLearning and VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) using Moodle. All participants agreed to use Moodle for the courses which they are going to develop for SSNA Program. A plat form, demonstration of how to use, and a template will be developed for all the participating teachers. Finally, all the teachers concluded that the study trip to NTNU was very successful and meaningful. It has given insight and additional ideas of making teaching and learning more effective and attractive. Teaching and doing research engaging communities and industries, expert team work method, developing generic skills in students and student centred learning were the major emphasis in addition to the advanced equipment and automation. Hope all the participating lecturers/professors will apply some of the ideas they have learned while they develop/improve their courses. All the best wishes!