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Downloadable Brouchure

Note: This page is used to access some internal documents stored in a Google drive. Only project team members have the access. Those who need access for a good reason/justification, please write email to:

1. Individual trip reports:
To access the individual travel reports of the following trips, please click here:

  1. Kick-off meeting - AIT Thailand

  2. Study tour - NTNU, Norway

  3. Study tour 2 - University of Stirling

  4. Teachers Training - Thailand

  5. Teachers Training - Vietnam

  6. Teachers Training - Indonesia

  7. Other trips

2. Timesheets:
To access the timesheets of all the partners, click below:
     1st Half - before mid-term report
2nd half - after mid-term report

3. Sub-contract costs

To access the sub-contract costs of all partners, please click here:

4. Fund disbursement to partners
To access the fund transfer to partners, please click below:

     1st installment
     2nd installment
     3rd installment
     4th installment (for equipment)

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